Flamigni: La Excelencia de la Repostería Artesanal Italiana

Flamigni: The Excellence of Italian Artisanal Pastry

From Forlì to the world, Italian sweetness with more than 90 years of history.

In 1930, in the city of Forlì, Italy, brothers Otello and Romolo Flamigni founded a small pastry shop with a clear mission: to create sweets that combine tradition and exceptional quality. This is how Flamigni was born, a brand that today is synonymous with craftsmanship and excellence in the world of pastry.

Over the years, Flamigni has specialised in the production of panettone and torrone, two pillars of the Italian sweet tradition. The key to its success lies in the careful selection of ingredients, such as acacia honey, Sicilian almonds and candied fruits of the highest quality.

The secret of their success:
The natural fermentation technique, a process that respects traditional times, guarantees the unique texture and unrivalled flavour of its panettones. This dedication to detail has led Flamigni to expand internationally, being recognised as one of the leading producers of gourmet pastries in the world.

Historical anecdote: Flamigni's panettone follows a centuries-old recipe that, according to tradition, comes from the ancient Milanese ovens, adapted and perfected over time to conquer modern palates.

At God Save The Coffee, we share Flamigni's passion for craftsmanship and flavour. That's why we select their products to bring the sweetness and art of Italian tradition to your table.

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